Plant and grow herbs


In your box:

  1. Planting Mint kit:

    • Biodegradable pot

    • Expandable soil wafer

    • Mint seeds

  2. Planting Sweet Basil kit:

    1. Biodegradable pot

    2. Expandable soil wafer

    3. Sweet Basil seeds


Planting is the main tradition of Tu B’Shvat. We included two planting kits for Mint and Sweet Basil. See instructions below.

Planting is an art and not a science and while some seeds sprout quickly, others don’t end up making it. Enjoy the ‘planting’ and hope for the best!

We also included some exciting Mint and Basil recipes by Jessica Levinson so that you can put your newly grown herbs to use. See below


Step 1 - Expand wafer

  1. Place wafer in a bowl.

  2. Add 1.5 oz of water (about 3 tbsp).

  3. Watch wafer expand - this step takes about 5-7 minutes.


Step 2 - Place wafer in pot

Place the expanded wafer in the biodegradable pot.


Step 3 - Add seeds

  1. Poke a tiny hole with your finger at the top of the wafer.

  2. Cut open the seed envelope, making sure not to spill tiny seeds.

  3. Pour Mint or Sweet Basil seeds into hole*.

  4. Tuck seeds in.

*The mint seeds are surprisingly tiny.


Step 4 - Water and wait!

  1. Place your pots in a sunny place.

  2. Water every 2-3 days, making sure the soil stays moist.

  3. It can take up to 2-3 weeks to sprout. You can then place the potted plant in a larger pot of your choice, or in your backyard.


Mint and Basil Recipes to enjoy

By: Jessica Levinson