Posts tagged Dragon Boat
Poetic Zongzi

During the Dragon Boat Festival, we eat sweet or savory rice dumplings to remind us of our ancestors who tried to lure the fish away from eating Qu Yuan, the exiled politician and poet.

Fold these origami papers, illustrated with poems written by Qu Yuan during his exile to make your own Zongzi. Place them in a bowl to decorate your house for the holiday.

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Balance an Egg

It is said that if you are able to balance a raw egg on its end exactly at noon on the 5th day of the 5th month, the rest of the year will be lucky! This is a fun Dragon Boat Festival tradition practiced in parts of China and Taiwan. We invite you to join the challenge! Too hard? Use the included tool to help!

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DIY Dragon Boat

During the Dragon Boat Festival we gather to watch or participate in Dragon Boat Races. This is to remind us of our agrarian ancestors’ rice harvests and of the villagers who tried to save the poet Qu Yuan from drowning. Decorate and build your own dragon boat to honor the spirit of this holiday!

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