Celebrate the Tu-B'Shvat Seder


In your booklet you will find the full ceremony and blessings.

Some choose to celebrate with a “Seder’ ritual, similar to Passover. This ritual was elaborated in the 17th century in Zfat, Israel.

There are several versions of the Tu B'Shvat Seder. This Seder is a celebration of the cycle of life. We drink a lot of wine and eat specific fruits representing the four stages of life, from a seed which symbolizes hidden potential, to a fully grown blooming plant.


the four stages ceremony

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You need:

White wine or grape juice + fruit with a hard shell (nuts, pomegranates, watermelon)

When we plant a new seed, we do not know if or how it will grow and we must have faith that our efforts will bear fruit. The same is true when we try to grow as people.

Invite each person around the table to share one way they wish to grow 



You need:

Rose wine (or simply add a drop of red wine into your white wine) + fruit with a non edible pit (apricot, peaches, olives)

Signs of winter thawing and the hidden potential is now a little bit visible, like the pinkness of the wine. The non edible pit of the fruit represents the parts of ourselves that are not fully evolved yet.

Invite people to throw the pit away from them and think of a quality that holds them back from their truest Self (impatience, anger, anxiety…)

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You need:

Half red, half white wine + fruits that are fully edible, inside and out (figs, raspberries)

The seed has grown strong enough to take root and its branches are now visible. 

Invite people to share something they are really good at, that is easily seen by others

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You need:

Red wine with a drop of white + fruits that are fully edible, inside and out (figs, raspberries)

As we drink from the final cup, we take in the highest level of Spirit and feel elevated beyond what we thought was possible. Close your eyes and see yourself as this fully realized person.

Step outside into nature, close your eyes, and take another deep slow breath