The Ten Commandments Game and Discussion
We carved the original Ten Commandments on wood tablets and added a version of ‘everyday’ rules on the other side. Our designer blocks spark conversation and discussion.
Scroll down for a Ten Commandments Game with follow up discussion questions.
The Ten Commandments Game
Our version of the Ten Commandments is double-sided. On one side, we have inscribed a traditional translation, and on the other side, we have offered a modern interpretation. Play a game with your family to add an additional layer of meaning by sharing some personal experiences.
Set-Up: Place the numbered wooden tiles inside of the canvas pouch. Place the remaining two pieces on a flat surface nearby.
Step 1: Taking turns, each person will randomly select a piece from the pouch and read both sides aloud. The first challenge is to guess which side is the modern interpretation (Hint: look at the photos on the insert for the answers).
Step 2: Next, each person can share a memory based on one of the following prompts:
Was there a time when it was hard for you to follow this rule?
Was there a time when it was easy for you to follow this rule?
Was there a time when you helped somebody else follow this rule?
Was there a time when you broke this rule?
Step 3: After each turn, place the tile on the flat surface to construct the tablets together.
Follow-up Discussion Questions:
What do you think about rules?
Do you think it can be helpful to have rules? How come?
What do you think motivates people to follow rules?
Do you think it’s better to have strict rules or loose guidelines?
Is there a difference between “honoring” rules and “obeying” rules? What do you think?
How do rules develop over time?
Who was responsible for making sure we still know about the Ten Commandments today?
Can you think of any other sets of rules that existed before you were born? How are they similar or different from the Ten Commandments?
If you compare nowadays to the original time of the Ten Commandments, what do you think are the biggest differences?
If you compare nowadays to the original time of the Ten Commandments, what do you think is still the same?
What do you think about the Ten Commandments?
Are there any rules that you would like to change?
Are there any rules that you think are missing?
Do you think these rules will still be important in 100 years? What about in 1,000 years?
What do you think society would be like without the Ten Commandments?