Braid And Bake Challah


Each Friday, we bake challah bread to enjoy on Shabbat. It is customary to prepare two loaves of bread, representing the double portion of mana that was received by the Jewish people on Fridays while wandering through the desert. After the blessings, some dip the bread in salt.

Looking for a challah recipe?

Check out our White Chocolate Rainbow Challah Recipe for a fun twist on the classic.

Looking for the blessing?

You can follow along with this video.

3-strand Braid

Challah is traditionally braided with 3 strands of dough. Follow along to braid your own homemade bread. Then, layer on some egg wash with the Days Challah Brush for the perfect golden color!

Looking for a challenge? Check out the 5-stranded braid below.


1 Lay out 3 strands of dough (check out our fun recipe) as shown. Pinch to connect at the top.

2 Hold the center strand with one hand, while grabbing the rightmost strand with the other.

3 Bring the rightmost strand over the middle strand to the center.

4 Hold the center strand with one hand, while grabbing the leftmost strand with the other.

5 Bring the leftmost strand over the middle strand to the center.

6 Hold the center strand with one hand, while grabbing the leftmost strand with the other.

7 Bring the rightmost strand over the middle strand to the center. Repeat this pattern until the strands are braided fully.

8 Pinch the ends to hold the strands of dough together. Layer on the egg wash with the Days Challah Brush and get ready to bake!

5-Strand braid

Ready for a challenge? Follow along to create an impressive braided loaf.

1 Lay out 5 strands of dough (check out our fun recipe) as shown. Pinch to connect at the top.

2 Grab the leftmost strand.

3 Bring this strand over to the inside portion of the right section, creating a set of 3 strands.

4 Grab the rightmost strand.

5 Bring this strand over to the inside portion of the left section, creating a set of 3 strands.

6 Grab the leftmost strand.

7 Bring this strand over to the inside portion of the right section, creating a set of 3 strands.

8 Grab the rightmost strand.

9 Bring this strand over to the inside portion of the left section, creating a set of 3 strands.

10 Repeat this pattern until the strands are braided fully.

11 Pinch the ends to hold the strands of dough together. Layer on the egg wash with the Days Challah Brush and get ready to bake!

Round Challah for Rosh Hashanah

During Rosh Hashanah, we enjoy a round challah, instead of a traditional braided loaf to symbolize the circle of life. Check out our recipe and video instructions.