Sukkot is one of the three Jewish pilgrimage festivals (Regalim). In Biblical times, farmers would travel to Jerusalem and bring the first fruits of their fall harvest as offerings to the Temple. Today, we fill our tables with fruits and vegetables in remembrance of this practice.
Build a Sukkah
Every Sukkot, we build a sukkah in our backyards or on our balconies to recreates the shelters used by the Israelites as they wandered through the desert.
Sit in the Sukkah and invite guests
It is a fun to invite people you know over for dinner in the Sukkah, or special figures you wish you knew, typically the Jewish Three Fathers and Four Mothers.
Shake the Four Species
Some shake and blesss the four species of plants: etrog (a citrus fruit), lulav (a date palm branch), hadass (myrtle leaves), and arava (willow leaves)
Greet families and friends with Happy Sukkot.