rosh hashanah in a box

create holiday memories with your familY


packed with HOLIDAY GEAR, CRAFTS AND ACTiViTiES for the entIre family



A step-by-step ceremony guide that will help you celebrate like a pro. It guides you through the most common customs: candles, apple in honey, challah, fish-head and more. 


make an emoji card for bubbe or savta

What’s better than an emoji to express your new year wishes for your loved ones? Make our original Rosh Hashanah emojis out of beads, attach them to a card and send it as a new year wish.

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make bee napkin rings!

Make napkin holders out of polymer clay and learn how to fold napkins to make your table extra special for Rosh Hashanah. Store the rings in the canvas bag, and use them again next year!


bake A rosh hashanah honey cake

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Our original ‘Shanah Tovah’ honeycomb mold, along with a super-easy recipe, will fill your house with the scent of honey and make you feel like a baking superstar.


dissolve mistakes in water (kids love this)

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Prepare for Yom Kippur with our immersive version of Tashlich, you write your mistakes on special biodegradable paper and watch them dissolve in water, right in front of your very eyes! .