passover in a box

create holiday memories with your familY


packed with HOLIDAY GEAR, CRAFTS AND ACTiViTiES for the entIre family


CELEBRATE WITH the special ‘days Edition’ haggadah

Days edition Haggadah is simpler, clearer, more engaging and fun. Everyone will be able to follow along in English, Hebrew, or transliteration. 72 color pages + 42 stickers.


arrange the ‘tetromino’ seder plate

Our ‘Tetromino’ Seder Plate will add playfulness to your traditional Passover table. Limited series production, designed by the Days artists. Select premium wood veneer.


dress up the seder table

We commissioned Batia Kolton, a beloved Israeli artist, to illustrate our ‘Notes of Spring’ designer Matza cover and ‘Young Detectives’ designer Afikoman bag.


play the ten plagues game

Prepare the kids for the Seder and keep them engaged during the ceremony with our fun Ten Plagues game.


bake mini matza (yes!!!)

Bake a mini Matza with our very own ‘Mini Matza Maker’ and add it to your Seder table! All it takes is 18 minutes from start to finish!


Count the four glasses

Keep track of the four glasses of the Seder with our floral felt cup counters. Six sets plus a bonus Elijah marker!




Our original and colorful Days Passover Guide has 40 pages full of holiday traditions, with step-by-step instructions on how and what to prepare for the Seder.


what’s inside the passover box?

  1. ‘Days Edition’ Haggadah • 72 full color pages • 42 stickers • Soft cover. 7”x9”

  2. Ten Plagues Game • 10 full color 4”x6” cards •  3 head bands • instructions

  3. Mini Matza Maker • Food safe tool for making pyramid shaped mini matza • recipe and instructions  

  4. ‘Notes of Spring’ designer Matza cover • 40x40” two ply cotton matza cover

  5. ‘Tetramino’ Seder plate • 7 x wood veneer plate pieces. Food safe coating. 10”x10” when assembled

  6. ‘Young Detectives’ designer Afikoman bag • 5”x9” cotton bag with zipper

  7. ‘Count the Four Glasses’ glass markers • 6 sets of four (1,2,3,4) marker sets • 1 Elijah glass marker • 1 Miriam glass marker

  8. Days Passover Guide • 40 full color pages of traditions and step by step instructions

optional add ons

Due to demand we are offering the following add-ons as a service to you post purchase:

  1. ‘Days Edition’ Haggadah +$12.99 Recommended one per guest.

  2. ‘Mini Matza Maker Set’ +$19.99 Includes heart, traditional square and star of david Matza makers.

Perfect as a gift for your family or for anyone who appreciates Jewish Traditions. Our boxes include holiday decorations, DIY, gear and crafts.



