Days Hanukkah Shop

Days Hanukkah experience boxes, designer Hanukkah essentials, and all-time user favorites.

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Days Hanukkah Experience Box

Everything you need to celebrate and engage the entire family - both for total beginners and for adding new and fun layers to holiday pros. Packed with holiday gear, crafts, and activities for the entire family.
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  • ✔ Includes 8 experiences to educate, engage and help celebrate.
  • ✔ Build & personalize our unique paintable metal menorah.
  • ✔ Make your own dreidels out of special clay.
  • ✔ Decorate Hanukkah Jelly Donuts (Sufganiyot) like a pro!
  • ✔ Give a special gift of Hanukkah with pop-up donut boxes.
  • ✔ Count the nights in a fun new way with our special colored candles.
  • ✔ Read the story of Hanukkah, host a party, and more…
  • ✔ Up to 25% off for Days subscribers (look for a coupon code in your email or contact us)
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Main Jewish Holidays Annual Subscription - starts with Passover

Helps families with everything they need to celebrate the main Jewish holidays throughout the year. Holiday experience boxes are packed with holiday gear, crafts, and activities for the entire family.
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  • ✔ Includes 4 holidays a year: Hanukkah, Passover, Shavu'ot, and Rosh Hashanah
  • ✔ Enjoy 15% of all additional purchases of our entire catalog of items, gear, additional boxes, and more, throughout the year.
  • ✔ Completely new activities and experiences every year - new ways to engage the kids, learn new aspects of the holiday and more
  • ✔ Cancel anytime (terms apply)
Recommended one per household

All Jewish Holidays Annual Subscription - starts with Tu-B'Shvat

Helps families with everything they need to celebrate both the main Jewish holidays and additional delightful Jewish holidays and traditions. Holiday experience boxes are packed with holiday gear, crafts, and activities for the entire family.
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  • ✔ Includes 8 holidays a year: Hanukkah, Tu B'Shvat, Purim, Passover, Lag Ba'Omer, Shavu'ot, Rosh Hashanah, and Sukkot
  • ✔ Enjoy 25% of all additional purchases of our entire catalog of items, gear, additional boxes, and more, throughout the year.
  • ✔ Completely new activities and experiences every year - new ways to engage the kids, learn new aspects of the holiday and more
  • ✔ Cancel anytime (terms apply)
Recommended one per household

Days Rainbow Menorah

A limited edition Menorah designed by the Days artists. Colorful galvanized aluminum with three Hanukkah blessings engraved in Hebrew.
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  • ✔ Made from high quality galvanized aluminum
  • ✔ Can be assembled in a traditional linear way or in a custom shape, giving it your own ‘twist’
  • ✔ Menorah parts, assembly instructions, mini holiday ceremony guide (blessings, candle lighting rules)
  • ✔ This item can be used independently, or in addition to our Hanukkah experience box
  • ✔ Up to 25% off for Days subscribers (look for a coupon code in your email or contact us)
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Days Hanukkah Window Decorations

Spread the miracle of the holiday by assembling these original colorful decorations. Then, hang it on your window and enjoy the light sparkling through.
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  • ✔ Includes: Durable ‘Hanukkah’ plastic letter pockets, rainbow-colored cellophane inserts, string and 2 suction cups for hanging, instructions
  • ✔ This item can be used independently, or as a fun addition to our Hanukkah experience box
  • ✔ Up to 25% off for Days subscribers (look for a coupon code in your email or contact us)
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Color and Read the Hanukkah Story

Do your kids know the Hanukkah story? In addition to stories included in our boxes, this original illustrated coloring storybook is another easy way for kids to get to know the history while unleashing their creativity.
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  • ✔ Includes: 20 pages of story, colorful illustrations, and outlined illustrations for coloring.
  • ✔ Illustrations by the celebrated Israeli artist, Ruth Gwily, commissioned by Days.
  • ✔ This item can be used independently, or as a fun addition to our Hanukkah experience box.
  • ✔ Up to 25% off for Days subscribers (look for a coupon code in your email or contact us)
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Days Modern Art Dreidel (Blue/Green/Light Green)

One of our most popular Hanukkah activities, now available for purchase separately. Easy to assemble in two ways, square or diagonal, hours of fun and play.
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  • ✔ Includes: 1 colored wooden dreidel plate, 1 dreidel rod and nuts, step-by-step assembly instructions and video.
  • ✔ This item can be used independently, or as a fun addition to our Hanukkah experience box
  • ✔ Up to 25% off for Days subscribers (look for a coupon code in your email or contact us)
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Modern Art Dreidel (Pink/Orange/Yellow)

One of our most popular Hanukkah activities, now available for purchase separately. Easy to assemble in two ways, square or diagonal, hours of fun and play.
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  • ✔ Includes: 1 colored wooden dreidel plate, 1 dreidel rod and nuts, step-by-step assembly instructions and video.
  • ✔ This item can be used independently, or as a fun addition to our Hanukkah experience box
  • ✔ Up to 25% off for Days subscribers (look for a coupon code in your email or contact us)
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Items ship in time for the holiday