hanukkah in a box

create holiday memories with your familY


packed with HOLIDAY GEAR, CRAFTS AND ACTiViTiES for the entIre family


BUILD A DESIGNER ‘STAR OF DAVID’ MENORAH (assembles in two shapes!)

Build your own Star of David Menorah. Limited series production, designed by the Days artists. Can be assembled into two shapes: ‘Star of David’, or ‘Triangles’


build a modern art dreidel

Build your colorful dreidel and play! Original design by the Days artists. Easy to assemble with game instructions included. Additional colors available as add-ons after you complete your purchase.

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stained glass hanukkah art

Decorate your windows with holiday symbols as a way to spread the news about the miracle of Hanukkah. Our original Hanukkah ornaments combine old traditions with modern geometric shapes. Create your own unique design - each symbol can be put together in a myriad of different ways!

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color & read the hanukkah story

Do your kids know the Hanukkah story? Our original illustrated storybook is an easy way for kids to get to know the history while unleashing their creativity. Illustrations by the celebrated Israeli artist, Ruth Gwily, commissioned by Days.

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Count the nights in a fun new way with our special colored candles

We designed and included a very special set of holiday candles in our Hanukkah box. Not only are they modern and festive, their colors create an innovative system that reminds you which candles to light on which night.




Our original and colorful Days Hanukkah Guide has 65 pages full of holiday traditions, step-by-step instructions, ceremonies, songs, recipes and much more!


what’s inside the Hanukkah box?

  1. Designer Star of David Menorah • includes acrylic parts, nuts & screws and step by step instructions for assembling a Menorah in two shapes: ‘Star of David’, or ‘Triangles’ (a traditional straight line) . Very easy to assemble!

  2. 1 x Modern Art Dreidel • material: wood •  includes: 1 colored wooden dreidel plate (with 3 layers), nuts & screws, step by step instructions, game instructions • One dreidel can be shared to play the dreidel game • Additional dreidels can be added to the box post purchase.

  3. 3 x Stained Glass Hanukkah Art • includes 3 adhesive cardboard frames, 6 thick cellophane cutouts • step by step instructions. 

  4. Color & Read the Hanukkah Story • 20 pages of story, illustrations and outlined illustrations for coloring. 

  5. Special Colored candles • 44 colorful Hanukkah candles.

  6. Days Hanukkah Guide • Includes 65 pages with holiday traditions, rituals, blessings, recipes and more.

Perfect as a gift for your family or for anyone who appreciates Jewish Traditions!


