Shabbat Fire Safety


We want everyone to have a fun and meaningful Shabbat. As candle lighting is a central part of the weekly ritual, please remember to follow the important fire safety rules included with our packaging.

For your convenience, we are also including the safety rules below:

  • Lighting Shabbat candles is a ritual that requires adult supervision.

  • Only burn candles within sight. Never leave candles unattended.

  • Secure candles to the holders before lighting.

  • Never burn a candle on or near anything that can catch fire (tablecloth, drapes, napkins, etc.)

  • Avoid drafts, vents, or air currents.

  • Keep candles and fire away from children and pets. Candles are not a toy.

  • Never touch or move a candle or the holder while it is burning.

  • Days Shabbat Shalom Candle Holders are not to be used with candles greater than 4” tall.

  • Days Shabbat Shalom Candle Holders can hold a maximum of 1 candle per holder.

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