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chinese Traditions MADE EASY & FUN

Get guides, gear, and activities, packed in a box



3 x Chinese holidays a year

$43.90 $52.90 per holiday
A fun, engaging and educational way to celebrate the main Chinese holidays. Starting with Mid Autumn Festival, our holiday experience boxes are packed with holiday gear, crafts, and activities for the entire family. more info › ‹ less info
  • ✔ Free regular shipping • Cancel anytime*
  • ✔ Includes main holidays: Lunar New Year, Dragon Boat Festival, and Mid Autumn Festival
  • ✔ Enjoy 25% of all additional purchases throughout the year
  • ✔ Completely new activities and experiences every year
*Cancel anytime (terms apply)


Mid Autumn Festival in a Box

A single Mid Autumn Festival Days experience box. Includes fun, engaging and educational activities for kids, adults and the entire family. Buy for yourself or give as a delightful gift.
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  • ✔ Includes experiences to educate, engage and help celebrate.

Lunar New Year in a Box

A single Lunar New Year Days experience box. Includes fun, engaging and educational activities for kids, adults and the entire family. Buy for yourself or give as a delightful gift.
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  • ✔ Includes experiences to educate, engage and help celebrate.
  • ✔ Boxes ship in December 2022 and arrive in time for the holiday.

Dragon Boat Festival in a Box

A single Dragon Boat Festival Days experience box. Includes fun, engaging and educational activities for kids, adults and the entire family. Buy for yourself or give as a delightful gift.
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  • ✔ Includes experiences to educate, engage and help celebrate.


Zodiac Coin Mold

Our custom mold makes it so easy to create your own gold coins with each of the zodiac animals from the 12-year lunar cycle. You will have a blast forming each coin before baking them to lock in the shapes. Fun to collect, share, and give away!
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  • ✔ Includes silicone mold and gold clay

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Subscribe and never miss another Chinese holiday

Receive a box in time for each Chinese holiday

Celebrate and make holiday memories with your family


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engage the family with completely new boxes every year

Click on the boxes to see our most recent boxes
